Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day One of May's Craft Bonanza!

Ok, so I come back here every once in awhile thinking I'm going to write here in addition to the blog I keep for school.  But I never do.  :(  Until now.

For the month of May, I'm going to do 31 projects/crafts/something I saw on pinterest..  It won't necessarily be a project each day because the hubs and I are taking off a weekend for our anniversary in a few weeks, but I'll make up for those days other times throughout the month.

To get things started here's a project for Zander.  He's learning to tie his shoes and I thought this would be a super cool project for him (and super easy and fast!).  I saw it on pinterest so I'm going to link you there.  I found another one that had this cute poem on it so I used it, too, because I knew Z would like it!

So far he LOVES it!  He's been practicing nearly nonstop.  Pretty sure he'll have it figured out in no time!

Another project tomorrow!!

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