Saturday, April 30, 2011

So tomorrow is a new start for a lot of things. Here's my list (it's sounding very overwhelming to me tonight, however):

Start the 31 Days to Clean Challenge.
A lovely author Sarah Mae has written a book called 31 Days to Clean (I just blogged about it on Wednesday) and there is a great buncha women linking up to participate in a 31 day (sorta) challenge on working on our hearts to help us work on our homes. I'm going to participate, too, but we will only be "challenging" during the week, so we actually start on Monday.

No eating out for the month of May.
I've gotten lazy. Lazy about a lot of things and one of them is cooking. We are spending tooooo much money on dinners out. That's a big reason we are taking a hiatus. Another reason is because everytime we're out of the house, running errands, going to soccer, heading to the store, I hear a chorus of "Can we eat out? Where are we eating? McDonald's please!!" and I'm pretty tired of hearing it. So we told the boys that we weren't eating out for the month. Everyone is taking it fine now, but I know this will be difficult for all of us. Very difficult. After this month, my goal will be to limit our dining out to once weekly.

Mama has got to start working out.
Due to starting treatment last September, I have put on nearly 20 pounds. I currently weigh more than I have ever weighed not being pregnant. I'm so very unhappy with how I look and it drags me down so much everyday and in many ways. It's times like this that I'm grateful to have little boys. They seem less susceptible to body image issues....and I'm full of them. So I have to be consistent with working out. I pick it up and start and stop and start and stop and that of course yields no results. So I have to commit to making my physical health a priority.

Plus, we have to finish school this month. It's a lot to do and a lot for me personally to take on. But I know I'm strong enough to do this. I have to be. Mediocrity is no longer going to be acceptable. :)

I'm stoked!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Adisson was sick earlier this week. Started puking on Monday morning and didn't stop until early Wednesday morning. It was painful and miserable to watch him be so sick. Fortunately, he's better now and by tomorrow I think he'll be back to 100%. Buuuuuuuuuut, now Zander is sick.

It is going to be a long night for all of us....errrr, Zander and I anyway. Guess he can watch Royal Wedding coverage with me while we battle round 2 of Barfmania.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So my lovely bestie, Tiffany, told me about an e-book she stumbled upon today and I'm glad she did! The book is 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. Tiffany already bought a copy and skimmed through it. She insisted it sounded easy enough to do (not like other cleaning challenges we've attempted and failed together) so I looked into it! I found the book on FB and saw that today I could receive the e-book for free if I blogged about it!

What is 31 Days to Clean?

Journey with me for 31 Days as we get our homes and our hearts in order. Give me 31 days and I’ll give you not only a cleaner home, but a vision for one.

I am not a natural when it comes to cleaning. In fact, sometimes I think my DNA is allergic to it! However, I know that if I am to care for my home, and more importantly my family, I need to persevere in creating a clean, peaceful home environment (not a perfect one!).

31 Days to Clean is about the “why” and the vision and the heart for taking care of our domains. Each day I encourage you with some thoughts and ideas, and then we put those ideas to action.

After each days reading, you will be given two challenges:

  • The Mary Challenge -Something you do that encourages/engages your heart
  • The Martha Challenge – Specific cleaning tasks

Friends, 31 Days to Clean is a faith journey towards ruling, subduing, and loving. We are forgoing perfection; we are choosing life.

I also saw that there is a big 31 day challenge starting May 1st through May 31st! How perfect! We aren't planning any out of town trips, Adam should be home for the month of May (I am much more likely to accomplish a cleaning task when Adam isn't away for work), this will be great!

Tiffany and I are great motivators for one another (well, we each cheer one another one, but we each personally lack the follow through!) and knowing there will be others that are participating in this super great challenge will be an even better incentive for us to get it done!

So, if you are interested, buy the book, join the challenge! Tiffany and I will be cleaning right along with you!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

We went to a lovely Easter dinner at my wonderful friend Christine's house yesterday. It was so nice to have an amazing group of people to spend the holiday with. Being at Christine's house though, reminded me that I've been so lazy in getting my house put together since we moved in. It feels like we got in, got mostly unpacked, and then I said, "Ok, we're done." I've hung nothing on the walls, haven't even opened the boxes of picture frames. But that changed today. I think Adam is wanting to have friends over this weekend to watch the UFC fight so he wants the house to be more done. :) So do I. We'll see how much we can get done.

Adisson is sick today. At first I thought it was too much Easter candy, but then he didn't stop puking. So I'm guessing he's actually sick. I hate when he doesn't feel well. :( Zander typically has a sympathy belly ache and he did today as well. But he got over it quickly. :)

I've been browsing blogs tonight coming up with ideas for the house and for a more organized school room. It can get pretty hot upstairs but the downstairs stays pretty cool. It would be nice to spend more time downstairs during the day. But it's pretty much unorganized chaos. I'd like to have most of the house done before Adam leaves in June. But that time is quickly approaching. *crossing my fingers*

Thursday, April 7, 2011

We're finally settled in. We've been in the place for almost two months. It's been really great to be here. There is SO MUCH room for all of us which is such a tremendous blessing. We're still trying to get unpacked and figure out where everything goes because Adam was gone for a month and he's definitely the driving force in us getting unpacked!

Things have been going pretty well. The kids are doing well. Adisson misses his friends at our old house, which I completely understand. He starts soccer soon, so hopefully he can make some new friends. But he loves the new place. So do the little boys. Adi and Zander miss sharing a room, though, and I'll often find Adisson sleeping in Zander's room. Zander doesn't mind it, actually prefers it sometimes, so I don't say much. Adisson's room is small and separated from us so it's not as comfortable for him, yet. We're working on that.

Jax is walking everywhere! It's always so funny to me when little tiny toddlers start walking. It's like they are way too little to be moving so fast. :) He looks so silly when he starts power walking. :)

We're heading to Ohio soon, so I have TONS to get done. Lots of laundry and definitely some cleaning. My super great friend is dog sitting for us so that will be a huge relief. Buddy is a great traveler, but he much prefers to stay in MD while we're traveling across several states to visit family.