Thursday, March 15, 2012

I totally ate my frog today. :)

Oh my goodness.  I've been reading One Bite at a Time.  It's amazing.  Really just a great book.  The premise is to tackle 52 different projects to change, challenge, improve your life.  I bought it awhile ago but it's been so hectic with Christmas and moving that I just started reading it.  And I love it.  :)  Really there are so many things that I want to change about myself and how I'm living my life.  I don't prioritize well, I lack lots of motivation, just so much.  In the interest of being completely real, to the 0 readers I have, I'm a horrible housewife.  I mean, ugh. I stay in my pajamas until about 4:30, when I hurry up and get showered and dressed really quickly before Adam gets home around 5:15.  Ugh. :(  I never want him to come home from work and I'm still in my pj's but why on earth do I wait so long to get ready?  It takes the same amount of time either way, but I feel so much better when I'm ready for the day.

I hate to clean. Like oh goodness hate it.  I do whatever it takes to get by or less.  And that's not how I want my boys to grow up.  I want to be able to welcome people into my home whenever, not when I've been given a week notice. :(  In my defense, things aren't gross or anything, it just gets untidy and I let it get and then stay that way.  I'm trying VERY HARD to do better, to be better, but I'm 30 ....which means that I'm undoing habits that have been ongoing for decades.  But I'm trying.

And the book just gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get moving.  I don't honestly know why this book among the MANY I've read, but it worked. :)  I hope my husband knows how much I *want* to do well around here.... :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Comfy cozy

Ok, so we're settled in to the new place. :)  Things have found homes (mostly) and the kids and I have found our groove.  Adam works a lot more now so we see him a little less, but he's really happy with his new job and they are already talking to him about some definite that's a huge plus!

The neighborhood is mostly great!  Adisson loves that there are so many kids around to play with.  I'm leery of other kids so while I like that he has new friends, I hate that I don't know them enough to know whether or not they'll be talking to my kid about "mature" subject matter while they are playing silly games down the road.  But he's happy... :)

My friends, Hillary and Robyn, came down from Frederick to visit me for my 30th birthday!  It was so amazingly wonderful!  It was a surprise visit (to me!) and I just was so happy that they did that...just because they love me.  We went to dinner, we got pedicure's, we went shopping, and to a painting class...sigh....amazing. :)

There's a lot to tell, but I tend to over type when I'm catching I'm skipping that part and just getting started back up again.  Starting today.  Welcome back, Nicole....why thank you, Nicole!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bzzzzzing right along!

I'm a BzzAgent and one of my campaign's right now is Smarterer.  :)  It's so addictive!  It's a quiz game where you're racing against the clock to get the most points.  Plus, I'm SO competitive so I can't stop answering the questions!  I know more about being a BzzAgent than I ever have before so super fun and informative!! :)  But, that's pretty typical of BzzAgent!!