Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Some nights, I don't know anymore

I haven't updated in awhile.  :)  Oops.  Well, there's a few reasons why.

#1.  The biggest reason I haven't blogged here in the last few weeks is that I started a homeschool-specific blog and after I've spent time writing there, I'm all worded out for writing here.  :)  It's a fledgling blog, but I hope to use it to chronicle our time schooling this year, especially since we use an online curriculum.

#2.  We've been BUSY!  Scouts started back up, Adam's been busy for work, I joined a bi-weekly (every other week) Bible Study down on post, and we've been trying to add in more field trips.  Which makes for a very busy family and a very tired Nicole.  :)

#3.  And my most exciting reason that I've been too busy to post....we're building a house!  :)  Ok, so Adam and I aren't actually *building* it ourselves, but we have contracted with a builder and they are building it.  :) So far, the whole thing has been AMAZING and fun albeit a little scary.  The building process has already begun.  Our foundation should be poured today.  It's near the house, so we can drive out there and check it out when we want.  It's on Adam's way home from work so he can see it everyday if he wants.  He's in a class in another city this week, so he can't drive by, but we'll take a few trips out there ourselves.  :)

There's more going on, but I'll save it for another post.  Hopefully, later this week and not sometime next month!

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