I'm a homeschooling mom and an Army wife. We've recently relocated to fabulous Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Adam and I have been married for 9 years and our precious little boys are Adisson, 9, Zander, 5, and Jaxon, 2. If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Away we go
We're moving. Ok, so that's a little anti-climactic. :)
We're moving to Fort Bragg, North Carolina in just one month. Like exactly a month from today, I'll be cleaning up the empty house before we leave town. It seems surreal. I feel like we JUST got to Frederick. We've been here now 27 months. I'm not ready to leave. I love the city, I love Maryland and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends. I'm more than sad to leave. :(
But this is the life. The life we chose and the life we live. And now it's time to go. Adam is being offered a job some people dream about...maybe lots of people dream about...and as his wife, I told him many years ago that wherever the Army should take him (provided we could come, too), then we'd be there. So to Fort Bragg we go.
There are some great things about moving. I LOVE house hunting. I love the new, the exciting, the unknown. I'm excited to be at a "real" army post again. Ft. Detrick is VERY small. Coming from Ft. Campbell (the 5th largest Army installation stateside) to Ft. Detrick was such an adjustment. Now we're headed back to a major post, Bragg being the third largest CONUS post, so that's pretty exciting. (*Note: So I tried to verify my post size sources and it seems it might be inaccurate, but no one reads my blog so I really don't care.) It's fun to see what new things we can get into as a family. We've been to Baltimore, to DC (several times), to Philadelphia, to New York City, to camping in West Virginia, camping in MD, visiting VA, driving through DE. We've done a lot while we've been here, so I guess it's time to move on.
But I'm pretty sure part of my heart will always be in Frederick. Especially as long as my Maryland besties are still here.
Anyway, here's to more blogging in the future....some exciting things coming up soon. :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Not much of an update!
I updated my last post with my goal accomplishments. I thought I did a lot better than I had. :( Oops.
I'm working on a goal list so I'll update when I can. In the meantime, I've got laundry to do, dinner to start, and school stuff to print out for the boys. :)
I'll be back....
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
It's goal time!
Back to life.
This week's Goal List:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Read Squanto to the boys.
Personal Goals:
4. Read Taming the Spirited Child.
5. In bed every night by midnight and up everyday at eight.
6. Exercise. (this is a very specific goal, but I'll just generalize it here)
Home Management Goals:
7. Finish all laundry and clean all the bedrooms.
8. Make a trip to Goodwill to donate stuff.
Craft Goals:
9. Finish niece's baby blanket.
I'd be thrilled to cross lots of these things off of my list by Sunday. Adam leaves then for a week long business trip so I'm hoping to get some stuff worked on while he's here. :)
Now, time to adios the internet and get to work.
Monday, October 24, 2011
All thumbs today. :(
Ohmygeez, so very much to do.
We leave for Ohio on Thursday. Thursday very early morning to be exact. In the time before we leave, these are the things I have to get done:
Finish all 32 crochet squares for my twinkies baby blankets. I've got 16 1/2 done. Lots more to do. After the squares are done, I've got to sew them all together and then add a border. I can piece them together in Ohio and border them in Ohio, but I've GOT to get them crocheted BEFORE we leave.
Make 2 baby hats and 2 pairs of baby booties. (Seriously, Luke and Sarah, one baby at a time would have been a lot easier on Aunt Nicole's craftiness.)
Get my boys Halloween costumes finished up. Mario and Luigi need gloves, buttons, and mustaches. Jax needs a whole costume. :( He was Pauly D (from the Jersey Shore) for the Halloween party, but I don't think that is going to work for this weekend...especially since we cut his hair and we can't blow it out anymore.
Make Joyce her birthday presents. I'm making a ruffle pillow and a color block scarf. I'm also making a scarf for myself! :) These things shoulda been done already, but when talking to me, you know that I'm so very last minute. I love the pressure apparently. I sure hope that's something I can get better at. :(
Finish planning Sarah's baby shower. Lots of things will be done when we get to Ohio so I don't have to travel with completed decorations (and risk them getting ruined). I think my bestie is coming over on Friday night to help me be crafty. We need to work on games, favors, and decor. Suddenly this shower that I've been planning for months just got very overwhelming. :)
Pack for a ten day trip to Ohio. Lots of cold weather means lots of layers...which take up way more room in the van. Boo.
Clean the house.
Work on some pretty big school projects with Adisson.
I can do this. I just need to reallllllly prioritize my time the best way possible. Oh and Adam's birthday is tomorrow and we'll be doing a little party here at home that I'll need to make a cake for and decorate the house. It's overwhelming to be so very busy with so many projects but I LOVE making things and I really LOVE making things for people I love. Anyway, gotta get to work. :)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Oh yeah.....
Lots of stuff to do today, like everyday, but I'm doing it. I'm doing something, getting somewhere.
I do need to come up with costumes for Hillary's Halloween party this weekend. Sadly, I've put on nearly 20 pounds since last Halloween so I can't wear any of my old costumes. :( It's nice to be healthy, it's nice to not be sick all the time, it's a miracle (literally) that I've only had one infection this year and have been healthy continuously for the last 9 months (for the first time EVER in my ENTIRE life!), but the weight gain is hard for me to accept. I've never been at this weight not being pregnant. I'm just a few pounds away from how much I weighed the day I gave birth to Adisson. And it's a hard pill to swallow. :(
But I'm doing something. I'm working out. I've been to the gym twice this week and while that may not be an incredible feat for some, it is for me. And I love it!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The energizer bunny has nothing on me.... :)
We're really busy around here, at least I am anyway, and there's lots of things that need to be done this afternoon and evening. We've got lots of school work to catch up on. When Daddy is off work, we seem to get less done and he had a long weekend and yesterday I had an appointment that took all afternoon so we're pretty behind. This afternoon we'll be catching up.
We've also got lots of cleaning to get done. I feel like everyone wants to have a clean and tidy house, but I'm the one that supposed to do everything. I get that, mostly. I'm the mom, I should be running this ship. But I'm also the meal planner, the grocery getter, the homeschool mom, the den leader, the soccer fan, the workout partner, the craft queen, the party planner, the toddler tamer, the bill payer, the budget buster, the husband supporter and the woman with an autoimmune disease. I'm tired. And I need help from the boys that live here.
Tonight will be a cleaning night since no one has Jiu-Jitsu, soccer, scouts, or anything else to keep us occupied. Bedrooms and bathrooms will all be clean before everyone goes to bed. I haven't told the boys that yet so I'm sure I'll be met with groans from all four of them when I break the news. In the meantime, I have an hour to clean the basement...maybe I can get a room or two done before lunch and then school.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I hang out in a No Lunk Zone!
Family/Mothering Goals
1. Finish reading Mouse and the Motorcycle aloud to the boys.
2. Work with the boys on how to correctly clean each of their bathrooms.
Personal Goals:
4. Exercise 15-20 minutes three times this week (this is my trying to implement a workout schedule by starting slowly!)
5. Read How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Homeschool and Five Simple Ways to Grow a Great Family.
6. Start working on Joyce's birthday present (her birthday was yesterday, but I won't be seeing her until later this month. This is kind of a big project so I need to get started now).
7. Work on two squares a day for the twins blankets (need 32 total).
Home Management Goals:
9. Implement planned meal schedule everyday this week.
10. Go through all four bedrooms to rid of unwanted items (donate to Goodwill).
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Finish The Mouse and the Motorcycle (we're only two chapters away from being done!)
2. Continue Veggie Tales Devotional (went over VERY well last week!)
3. Help the boys get their rooms decluttered and cleaned.
Personal Goals:
4. Join Planet Fitness and work out three times this week (preferably with Hillary!)
5. Finish reading How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Homeschool and Taming the Spirited Child.
6. Be in bed every night BY midnight.
Crafting Goals:
7. Finish up enough squares for one baby blanket this week (16 for each one).
8. Start Joyce's gift.
Home Goals:
9. Work on better meal planning and better meal implementation.
10. Get all the laundry done (we were camping over the weekend, which means, several sets of sheets, sleeping bags, blankets and clothes all need washed...along with everything else that I would have to wash anyway).
In a good effort on my goals, last night Hillary and I joined Planet Fitness and worked out last night. It was awesome! We're also signing up to run a 5K in less than two weeks!! Can't wait!
In the meantime, I've got to get things done today before my doctor's appointment this afternoon (to get enrolled in the army's special needs program, which my autoimmune disorder qualifies me for, something I should have done a YEAR ago!! :)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Whew...I'm exhausted.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Where did I put that cape??
Before Adam's second tour to Iraq, I was on the phone with my Dad in complete despair. How on earth can I do this again? With TWO kids this time? This was his third year of being gone in just under four years. I couldn't believe we were doing this again. AGAIN. Dad told me that I can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. I think it's his old age...eventually wisdom just has to catch up to you! :) (I know it's not his own personal quote, but it didn't mean any less to me than if it were.)
But he's right. I can't conquer the world in a day, rid my house of every worthless possession overnight, or deal with a yearlong absence of my husband quicker than one day at a time. I can only do what I can do.
I'm not superwoman. I'm not an overachiever. Some days the only thing I can achieve is getting out of bed.
But I am strong enough. I'm strong enough to do whatever I need to do. As a wife, as a mother, and as the woman I'm hell bent on being.
So yes, I'm overwhelmed. Yes, in some regards I may have possibly bitten off more than I can chew. But at the end of the day, no one can love my boys like I do and if something needs done, for the sake of my children, for the sake of my family, for the sake of myself, I'll get it done. Late, but I'll get it done.
So...off to find me an elephant.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Just a drop of water in an endless sea....
Then there was soccer practice that ran so late we had to pull Adi off the field to make it to Scouts. Then we get to Scouts and the ONE other family in our den didn't show up.
Also, I feel like no matter how very hard I'm trying to do better...at anything, at everything, it seriously isn't happening. It's like I take so many steps forward and then several MILES backwards. As far as I know right now, the boys and I will be moving into a MUCH smaller house in five months. Which means I have to get rid of LOTS and LOTS of stuff. But every time I enter a room, I just get overwhelmed with all of it and leave. So nothing gets done.
I feel so overwhelmed, so exasperated and like I'm literally in the middle of the ocean, trying to keep my head above water.....and it's pulling me under faster than I can catch my breath. How can finding peace and balance be such an exhausting journey?
Anyway, off to crochet...at least that will calm me down. :)
Monday, October 3, 2011
My Weekly Goals....oh dear
So I'm reading on Money Saving Mom about her weekly goals. She posts them, so I figured I'd do the same. It's funny that I'm so random on this blog. It's never something I intended for many people to read, just a way to keep in touch with family while I'm away and/or with Adam while he's not with us. And I'm pretty sure my family is aware of my randomness and loves me anyway. :)
My goals for this week are as follows:
(I'm following MSM's goal list set up but could definitely tweak it to my own needs if this doesn't work)
Family/Mothering Goals
1. Finish reading Mouse and the Motorcycle aloud to the boys.
2. Work with the boys on how to correctly clean each of their bathrooms.
3. Start our Veggie Tales devotional book.
Personal Goals:
4. Exercise 15-20 minutes three times this week (this is my trying to implement a workout schedule by starting slowly!)
5. Read How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Homeschool and Five Simple Ways to Grow a Great Family.
6. Start working on Joyce's birthday present (her birthday was yesterday, but I won't be seeing her until later this month. This is kind of a big project so I need to get started now).
7. Work on two squares a day for the twins blankets (need 32 total).
8. Get my toddler busy bag craft completed and mailed by 10/7.
Home Management Goals:
9. Implement planned meal schedule everyday this week.
10. Go through all four bedrooms to rid of unwanted items (donate to Goodwill).
Sigh. It seems lofty. I sure hope having them in "writing" can help me get them done. I'll keep you (Tiffany, Jessie Poo) updated!! :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Simplicity here I come!
I follow a blog called Money Saving Mom. I actually follow several blogs, but more and more I seem to connect with so much of what she says and does. She's very much an inspiration for me.
Lately, she's mentioned her minimalist wardrobe. So I started clicking around her site to see what all she has posted on the subject and then read the comments to see other people's ideas. I want a minimalist wardrobe. I want a few great pieces instead of a whole closet full of crap I don't wear.
It doesn't surprise me that I feel this way. I'm also the kinda gal who likes a few close friends instead of 20 people you can't have a real conversation with.
Anyway, it's like I'm overwhelmed by the greatness and the simplicity of the idea. Quit buying crap that is cheap the ends up in drawers or in the closet and I never wear it. Or the color isn't great or the fit isn't flattering. Why do I buy that? Because it's on sale? Yep. That's why.
So anyway, someone mentions Project 333.
Me=hook, line, and sinker. I take the bait. I'm totally sold on a minimalist wardrobe.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
It's juicy, yet a solid!
On one hand, I hate having decisions made for me. On the other hand, I hate having to make difficult decisions. It's overwhelming, this situation that I'm in. I'm trying so hard to do the right thing, make the right choice and it's hard for me to do because I don't know which way is right. I do feel like I've recently been swayed one way, but I know as soon as I see my homies, I'll be swayed another. :)
Sigh. Being a grown up isn't always that much fun. :)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mom, you shoulda stopped at two.
School was light today. I've decided not to talk about too much school stuff here, because I've started blogging elsewhere regarding our school activities. It's redundant to type all the same stuff out twice.
In other news, apparently I'm Adisson's den leader for scouts. I'm not super thrilled with the idea and neither is he. He desperately wanted his dad to do it (so did I!) but Adam travels SO MUCH for work and the future isn't looking so bright for him (or us) to be around here anymore so he can't commit to doing it. But the den needed a leader and no one else could do it, so of course I'd say yes. I'm nervous because I don't know what I'm doing, but when it comes to those kids of mine, I'd do just about anything!
Speaking of, there's a Pack camping trip in a few weeks but we can't go because Adam will be running the Army Ten Miler down in DC that weekend. So, in order to cross that off of our list of Scout things to do (and work on Adisson earning his Bear badge) we're going camping this weekend. I've invited my friends and I think most of them are going to come out this weekend to hang out but I don't think anyone is going to spend the night....apparently it's supposed to be down in the 40's overnight and they are all too wimpy! We're checking out Cunningham Falls, so hopefully my friends to the north will be able to stop by even for a little while.
Ok, I've got tons to do and I'd LOVE to get to sleep before three am (because that has apparently become my new bedtime while Adam has been gone), so it's off to clean up a little and work on school stuff for a little while.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Awkward. :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
My plan for the day.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My hands, they were strong.
Friday, June 24, 2011
A classified ad for my reading audience of 2.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I know, Mom, you already told me you love me today!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Smiling now...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Toot bags are funny!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Furniture rehab!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Another busy weekend....
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Me? Long-winded? Or is it long-typed?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Who let the CAT in? Who, who, who?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I'm a National Consumer Panelist, for real! :)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Back on track, woot.
Where's that money tree again?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
31 Days to What Now??
Friday, May 6, 2011
Lots to do today, super busy day tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
It's Ikea time baby!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Weekly Menu (noooo dining out!!)
Dinner: Slow Cooked BBQ Pork Sandwiches, cole slaw
Day One of the Cleaning Challenge....check!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
A lovely author Sarah Mae has written a book called 31 Days to Clean (I just blogged about it on Wednesday) and there is a great buncha women linking up to participate in a 31 day (sorta) challenge on working on our hearts to help us work on our homes. I'm going to participate, too, but we will only be "challenging" during the week, so we actually start on Monday.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Journey with me for 31 Days as we get our homes and our hearts in order. Give me 31 days and I’ll give you not only a cleaner home, but a vision for one.
I am not a natural when it comes to cleaning. In fact, sometimes I think my DNA is allergic to it! However, I know that if I am to care for my home, and more importantly my family, I need to persevere in creating a clean, peaceful home environment (not a perfect one!).
31 Days to Clean is about the “why” and the vision and the heart for taking care of our domains. Each day I encourage you with some thoughts and ideas, and then we put those ideas to action.
After each days reading, you will be given two challenges:
- The Mary Challenge -Something you do that encourages/engages your heart
- The Martha Challenge – Specific cleaning tasks
Friends, 31 Days to Clean is a faith journey towards ruling, subduing, and loving. We are forgoing perfection; we are choosing life.