Soooo, I've decided to start my first piece of furniture rehab. I saw on a few blogs where people took a console TV and turned it into something else after taking the tv guts out. And I decided I would be one of those people. AND, as fate would have it, about 24 minutes after I decide that I NEED a console TV, someone on craigslist lists one for free and it's only 15 minutes away. Adam can't go get it himself because console tv's apparently weigh 273 pounds. So we load up all the kids at nine o'clock at night to go get a tv. It's kinda out in
the middle of nowhere so I'm hopeful it will still be curbside once we get there. Otherwise, all four of my boys are gonna be unhappy....yikes.
It is still there. :)

We load it and come home. Then my sweet, wonderful husband takes all the crap out of it. LOTS of screws, TONS of wires and the tv pieces are removed and I'm left with a shell. Unfortunately, Adam is leaving tomorrow for 2 1/2 weeks in Oklahoma so whatever I don't get done today with his help with have to be done by me (riiiiight) or wait until he gets home (way more likely).
But I'm thrilled. What am I turning it into you ask? I'm making it a shoe cubby. "Brief" backstory: We live in a split foyer. You come to the front door and inside you have to go upstairs or downstairs, there's nothing at the door. We don't wear shoes in the house so when we come in the front door, all the shoes get left at the door. There are ten feet in this house and about 13 pairs of shoes constantly sitting at the front door waiting for feet. It's a mess. So I decide we are going to start coming in the garage door and go through the game room to get to the stairs. That means a huge pile of shoes in ADAM'S ROOM! Perish the thought. So he's scooped them all up and tossed them in my craft closet (sleep with one eye open, destroyer of creativity and peace). So we need a shoe cubby. Hence the console tv. Sure, I could work a shoe cubby out of a $40 piece of furniture at Target, but I wanna make something (other than crocheted baby booties). Here's hoping I can get this done before the end of the summer.....
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