Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The story of your life, you live it everyday

So, I'm just a happy mama.  I'm working hard on some things right now and it's nice to see hard work pay off.  :)

School starts for us the day after Labor Day.  We use Time4Learning for the boys.  Adisson is in fourth grade this year and Zander is starting KINDERGARTEN!!!  We used T4L when we moved to NC in February and loved it!  We took the summer off, but we're starting back up in two weeks!  I'm pretty excited about it, but then I always get excited at the beginning of the year!!  T4L is entirely online, so it's such a blessing for us.  I'll do a full review later this week.

Cub Scouts officially gets started up next week.  Adam and I are Den Leaders this year.  Adam will be busy traveling for a little while soon so I'm co-leading with him so I can take care of stuff while he's gone.  I'm pretty nervous about it because I feel like I have no idea how to teach a bunch of fourth grade boys anything about the outdoors.  I'm taking a day long training class this week so hopefully that will build my confidence up a little bit so I'm not so apprehensive when I have to take my three boys to a Cub Scout Camp-o-Ree and have activities planned for a den full of boys, too.  Sometimes I wonder what I'm thinking when I say yes to things.  :)  Just kidding, I knew what I was getting into, but I'm still nervous nonetheless.  

Soccer starts up next week, well, sorta.  It's team selection night but I don't think things are starting up until after Labor Day.  I'm nervous because we've never played with this league.  In Frederick, the soccer program through the Rec. Center was so great and we all loved it.  Things are a little different down here in Hillbilly Land so I hope it works out just as well.  I doubt it, but I'm trying to remain optimistic.  

I think I found a babysitter for us today.  I "interviewed" a lovely girl this afternoon.  I use the term interview loosely because it was awkward for me to pose so many questions like I was hiring her based on an application.  Regardless, she's lovely.  The boys seemed to really like her as well, so I'm hoping she likes us enough to be our sitter.  This means I could actually start going to the doctor every month like I'm supposed to...what a novel idea!! :)

I guess it's time to wrap it up and head to bed.  I don't have any Netflix DVD's to watch tonight, so I'm likely going to take some school work to bed and work on it for a little while before I fall asleep.  In the middle of the bed.  :)  You have to have perks when the husband travels so much for work.  

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