Wellllll, we made it through the first day of school. If everyday went like today, I'd be a VERY happy homeschool mom. Well, I didn't get much housework done. :( I'm feeling a little under the weather so not as on top of my game as I could have been.
Zander couldn't have been more excited for school. :) He smiled and laughed the whole day. He loved it. And it made me happy to see him so happy. Adisson, on the other hand, was less than thrilled about starting school. Not sure why, he does well and his curriculum is great. :-/ But we got through it.
Like I said, I didn't get much done around the house. Dinner was a complete cop-out (I made fries, nuggets, and mac-n-cheese) but the boys thought it was the best dinner ever. Went on and on about how great it was and the perfect meal for back to school. So if they are happy then I'll take it!
In other news, my class started today. I did my first assignment...super easy, just introduce myself on the forums and comment on two people's introductions. Now if every assignment was that easy, I'd be set. But it's not going to be and I'm nervous. It's supposed to be an intro. class but already some of the terminology is way over my head. :-/ I think I should have taken the modern poetry class. :)
This weekend is a long weekend thanks to Labor Day! Adam still has a few more weeks at home before he takes his "solo vacation"...and if you can read between the lines, you'll know what that means. He won't be gone for toooo long, but it will be the longest he's been away from us as a family of four, the longest he's been away from Jax, who gets antsy if he thinks Dad's been at work too long during the day. Part of me is ready for him to go so we can get it over with (I always feel like this right before) but the biggest part of me is not ready to be without him and parent alone. I'm a much nicer Mommy when Daddy is here to help out. :( I hate that he'll miss so much (birthdays, Halloween--the boys favorite holiday, Thanksgiving--my favorite holiday, and Christmas) but this is our job, this is what we keep signing up for so I'll take it in stride and deal with it. And I can't complain because he won't be gone for as long as he's been gone in the past, as long as other wives have to say goodbye for, so I can't whine about it. (I do sometimes, to Tiffany, because she loves me anyway)
We are going on a family retreat in a few weeks and staying in an oceanfront hotel with amazing views and amenities. It will be really nice to have this time together. And the awesome-ness of the ocean will only make it even more amazing. More details on that later.
Anyway, off to bed....
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