I finally went to the grocery store tonight. Thank goodness as the food was getting rather scarce! The good news is that for the first time since we got here, I feel like I finally did a good job saving money. It's hard to feel like I'm doing the best job with my coupons when I shop at a store that doesn't double (oh, I miss Giant Eagle) but I finally saved 40% on my total for the first time in NC. And managed to buy some higher ticket/non coupon items. It's weird to come home and feel so excited about grocery shopping, I guess.
Since I don't work outside of the home (as an at-home mom, I'm sure I could help argue the case that I do lots of work inside the home, but that's neither here or there), I feel like it's my job to do the best I can to save money when we shop. I'd like to get better with our budget, moving is such a huge change and adjustment, that it seems like it takes awhile to get things back into some kind of order. :) One of my fave ways to save money is to coupon. When I am prepping my coupons, it feels like I'm physically doing something proactive to be helpful to my family. And when I'm matching my coupons to the current sales flyer, I feel like I'm working toward my goal. And then, when I hand over my coupons and watch my total drop lower and lower, it feels like my efforts have paid off. And I get pretty excited!
I'll never be one of those extreme couponers, and that's ok with me. I don't have the time to spend to do that kind of shopping, I don't have the money to wrangle that many coupons (because there is NO WAY every single person on that show gets ALL of their q's for free), and I don't have the space for all those products in my home. Clutter is costly!! My goal in couponing is to get the items we already use (or something similar) at a reduced cost. And I achieve that. So I'm happy.
And when Mama is happy.....
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