Over the weekend we participated in a Cub Scout Camp-o-Ree. It was so much fun! We got there on Friday night and got our stuff set up. It was pretty chilly (and really just cold overnight!) but it's nicer to camp in cool weather as opposed to smoking hot weather. Saturday was filled with cub scout competition activities. Adisson's pack did pretty well, gaining trophies in nearly half of all events!! We left early on Saturday to run home, shower and clean up so we could attend a cook out thrown by Adam's coworker. We had a great time there (and we got to see our lone NC friends!) and got back to the campsite right on time to see the Order of the Arrow ceremony. Wrapped things up on Sunday and made it home with a few hours to spare before we had three hours of baseball practice.
Adi had a game on Monday night (loss...again) and we were supposed to have scouts last night but it was cancelled because we just had the camping trip. So we mowed the yard instead (ok, I say we because I actually did help...I mowed the part of our neighbor's yard that meets ours, it's not much but I hate to leave it undone...he's mowed our entire front yard before!). It DEFINITELY needed it, so I'm happy about that.
Tonight is another baseball game. Woot. (not really) Tomorrow night, we volunteered to take a donation of dog food to an animal and rescue organization. I've been looking for a service project for us to do as a family and I think I might have found one.
A few weeks ago, we took Buddy in to the animal hospital for a check up and some shots. He also had to have some blood work done because he is considered a "senior" dog due to his age. He has a clean bill of health! He has some arthritis in his knees and in his hips (which we knew about) and due to his discomfort in moving around a lot sometimes, he's put on some weight, but it's still in the healthy range. We have a joint supplement for him now, too.
While we were there we saw a dog that had been brought to the animal hospital due to severe neglect. She'd been so starved that when rescued, they estimated her being just hours or a day or so from death. And for Adam it was love at first sight. I'll save more of a discussion about her on another post but since then, we've been very animal aware around here. When a local no-kill shelter posted on their facebook that they were running out of puppy chow, I thought that buying food and taking it there would be something that my boys could understand in regards to charity. It's hard to find a charitable act that I can explain to my kids so they comprehend it, but little boys understand puppies and that puppies need to eat. :)
Anyway, today we have lots to do. We're working hard on some scout stuff for Adisson and stuff to do around the house and school stuff....the list goes on and on!! :)