Thursday, April 7, 2011

We're finally settled in. We've been in the place for almost two months. It's been really great to be here. There is SO MUCH room for all of us which is such a tremendous blessing. We're still trying to get unpacked and figure out where everything goes because Adam was gone for a month and he's definitely the driving force in us getting unpacked!

Things have been going pretty well. The kids are doing well. Adisson misses his friends at our old house, which I completely understand. He starts soccer soon, so hopefully he can make some new friends. But he loves the new place. So do the little boys. Adi and Zander miss sharing a room, though, and I'll often find Adisson sleeping in Zander's room. Zander doesn't mind it, actually prefers it sometimes, so I don't say much. Adisson's room is small and separated from us so it's not as comfortable for him, yet. We're working on that.

Jax is walking everywhere! It's always so funny to me when little tiny toddlers start walking. It's like they are way too little to be moving so fast. :) He looks so silly when he starts power walking. :)

We're heading to Ohio soon, so I have TONS to get done. Lots of laundry and definitely some cleaning. My super great friend is dog sitting for us so that will be a huge relief. Buddy is a great traveler, but he much prefers to stay in MD while we're traveling across several states to visit family.

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