Friday, March 20, 2009

So a topic around here lately has been babies. One baby in particular. After Zander was born I thought for sure our family was complete that two was enough. After all, when Adam is deployed, I'm quickly outnumbered and stretched even farther. I know lots of Mommies do the deployment thing with a lot more kids, and I give them the enormous credit they deserve. I know how difficult it is with two, so I can't imagine how hard it would be with even more.

Enter Cooper Thomas.

This is my absolutely precious nephew. He's my newest nephew, born in January. I have two others, Boden is going to be one next month and Landen is three. I'm the world's most blessed Aunt. But until Cooper got here, I was done with having kids, I felt at peace with our family size.
Then I saw him. And my resolve started melting. Maybe we needed one more baby. Maybe just try one more time.
Then I held him. And that was it for me. I felt like we just needed another baby. But more than that, I want a daughter. I want to play with dolls and have tea parties. I want to bake cakes and go to ballet class. I want to paint a room lavendar and decorate it with butterflies and rainbows. But, to my dismay, Adam absolutely does not. Not even a little. Not even a teeny tiny bit.
So that's my answer. And while in my heart, I'm elated at the blessings that God has given us because it was a struggle to have the two children we do have, part of me wonders if the desire to have a little girl will ever leave.
In the meantime, the goofy, silly, precious little boys that live here want to watch a movie in Mommy and Daddy's bed....and I am more than willing to do that. :)

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