Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Woo hoo for the first day of school!

So we did it! Yesterday was our first official day of homeschooling! It went soooo well! :) We were able to do nearly everything I had planned. Today we might not be so lucky because the baby is sleeping now so I doubt he'll take a nap around 10:00, which is when we start.

The first thing we did was read our first story for Five in a Row. A. liked the story well enough, although it was a little long for him. We discussed China, located it on the map, and talked about how far away it is from us. We talked about how ducks find food in the water and what foods they like to eat. Then, we moved into his math time. Before we can start our math curriculum, I need to be sure he understands numbers, what they look like, quantity, etc. He did better than I expected with that and I was happy! :) Up next was handwriting. He did great...although the exercise was a simple drawing of straight lines. :) On to Phonics! We are reviewing letters to be sure he knows what each letter is. He does great with uppercase so we're practicing lowercase. My goal is to have him reading by Christmas. I know his grandparents will just eat that right up!!! :) After phonics, we started our Bible time. About this time he was losing his patience and Z. was awake and playing in the room with us...which proved to be a distraction (a cute, chubby distraction, but a distraction nonetheless!) so we wrapped it up a little sooner. He did so well! Here are a few of his quotes.

On Sunday night I reminded him that we'd be starting school the next day. He yelled "WOOO HOOOOOO!" and jumped up and down. Then he sat down and said, with an all knowing grin, "I'm gonna be a whole new kid." :)

During school he said "Mom, you need to sound like a teacher, because you still sound like my mom." I replied, "Honey, I am your mom, I'm not sure what else you want me to do." He said, "Well, you could talk like this".....at which point he started speaking in a very high voice with a nice, thick southern twang. I didn't have the heart to tell him I had no desire to develop a southern accent just for the sake of teaching him lowercase letters.

Later he said "Mom, kids probably get bored at your school." I said, "Really, why?" (As opposed to, "Honey, talk to me about boring when you are watching SpongeBob for the 8,923rd time.") He said, in a very matter-of-fact (translation: "I'm 4 so I know it all, duh!) manner, "Because I'm very bored." Oooooooookkkkkkkkk. :)

But all in all, I'm super happy and things went wonderfully well.

Now it's off to quickly eat a bowl of cereal before I have to get things ready for school today. At some point, I have to figure out what I'm wearing to a Tea Party at which I'm volunteering to serve this afternoon. More on that later....

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