Thursday, September 13, 2007

Love that sound

Well, this has been an interesting week. :) We've been a little busier than usual, but I like busy so it's good. School has been going so well! A. wakes up everyday excited to get started, although it isn't long before he's saying something about being bored. I would love to erase that word from the english language. It's about to be banned from this house, that's for sure.

We've got a pretty busy weekend lined up. I've got some more volunteer work to do this weekend. I know we should all be spending time together as a family before the dreaded deployment starts, but I really want Adam to spend time with the boys, also. I know they do silly boy things when Mom's not around to say no. :)

Well, school starts at ten and everyone is in their pj's, so we've got to get moving. (Our rule is everyone has to be dressed before school starts. Well, not Z. He's allowed to wear whatever he wants...which is whatever I put on him after he wakes me up with the sounds of gagging and then...the sound all parents hear over any other noise...the sound of vomit.....)

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