Friday, April 13, 2012

Let's play ball!

Ohmygoodness.  I'm going to give you, imaginary reader, a rundown of the next several days for us.  Today, we're having lunch with Adam at work, going over our wills with an attorney, doing a tiny bit of shopping before coming home to quickly get ready for baseball's opening ceremony tonight.  The tomorrow, we have three baseball games.  Sunday, a two hour baseball practice.  Monday, a baseball game. Tuesday, cub scouts.  Wednesday, a homeschool meeting and a meet and greet with a political candidate (for NC).  Thursday, a baseball game.  Saturday, a baseball game.

This is our first experience as a baseball family.  :)  I'd like to say we'll continue playing after this year, but honestly, I'm not sure.  I can see now why soccer definitely suits us.  Hopefully, we'll be able to find a soccer league this fall.

Honestly, not much else going on that isn't baseball related.  Tonight, I get to see my boys in their uniforms for the first time.  :)  I can't wait.

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