Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's my 200th post!!! :)

I don't post with much regularity or really have anyone that reads what I write anyway, but this is officially my 200th post here on my blog.  I started to keep in touch with Adam and with family since we live out of state, but Adam couldn't tell you my blog address if someone paid him and I'm nearly certain that none of my family members have ever stopped by.  But it's totally fine, I blog because I wanna.  I blog because I like to write...though I never write about anything that interesting to others...just my life with the boys.

Tomorrow Jaxon turns 2.  Already.  My little guy is growing up so fast!  It's hard to believe that we'll never again have little baby clothes to hang up in the closet, or a cute little swing in the living room, or a brand new baby to hold and snuggle.  Sometimes the finality of our decision to stop having kids is sad.  Sometimes the thought that I'll never have a daughter is a little more than sad.  But the constant reminders of my amazing life with these amazing boys is overwhelming and wonderful.  I'm so blessed.  The idea that we'll soon be able to go places without worrying about diapers and sippy cups does sound pretty exciting.  :)

Today we finally got started on school work again.  We took a break for Christmas and because we were outta town and we definitely needed to get back on track.  Because we'll be moving in just three weeks, I'm trying to keep things light and not too overwhelming.  I'm hoping to get the next six weeks planned out this weekend.  Adisson did ok today, but grumbles so much about math that he ended up doing twice as much work because of his attitude.  I don't want to use school work as a punishment, but I want him to understand how great it is that he learns at home.  Even with extra work today, we only schooled for three hours.  I mean, he got to spend a chunk of his afternoon playing the xbox with his Dad.  You think he would have been a little less grumpy. :)

Zander did his school work today.  He's learning to write his letters and I told him after he's done with that, he gets to work on learning to read.  He seems pretty excited.  I'm excited to be the one who gets to teach him to read.  I get to be the one that sits beside him as he learns how words go together and as he figures out what it's like to read.  To be a reader!! :)  It's an exciting thing for me!!

I didn't have my treatment today because my hemotologist's office didn't get my insurance referral secured before today's appointment.  :-/  It was a little frustrating because my old doctor's receptionist would have never let that happen.  She took care of everything for me.  And I miss her.  :)

So I guess it's about that time.  I'd like to get some cleaning done tonight so I can sleep in a little tomorrow before my favorite 10 month old comes over.  But that would mean Jaxon would have to quit terrorizing me, the dog, his dad, his sleeping brothers....in order for me to do that.  :)

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