Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ugh, so the working out isn't going as well as I had hoped. No surprise there, I guess. Jillian doesn't seem to focus enough on my midsection so I'll be going to Winsor Pilates. I would love to have the time to do both a few times a week, but it's hard to work out with the kids in front of the TV, beside me telling me what to do, crying in a bouncer seat because I'm not giving him enough attention, etc. I'm still determined, so hopefully that's enough.

Adam's been gone for a week and a half. It's a little stressful with him gone, but hopefully this is it for awhile...that would be nice.

We have an FRG picnic tomorrow so I'm making a few dozen cupcakes for the event. It's going to rain today so I should have time to get everything done if we don't have to run outside all day long.

Be back later....

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