I'm online everyday. And everyday I think, I should blog a little more so my family in Ohio know what's going on in good ol' Maryland. So I'm going to try super hard to blog every single day from now until 2010. We'll see how that works. :)
Tomorrow is Adisson's 7th birthday. I can't believe my baby is seven already! SEVEN! He's such a good kid. I'm blessed and honored to be his mom. I'm going to be sure to let him know how great I think he is, but right now he's involved in a very intense conversation with his little brother and no one is whining/crying/fighting/yelling so I'm not interupting. :)
We have a lot of stuff going on this month. It's nice to be busy. Fortunately, it's not overwhelming. Adisson has his first Pack meeting on Monday. We'll have to hurry there as we have a military recognition ceremony we're attending on Monday as well. I hope we can get to both of them on time.
The house still hasn't sold. I'm not convinced we'll always have a house in Kentucky, I am certain it will sell at some point, so it is what it is. But because we're continuing to maintain a mortgage on a house that we still pay to keep lit up and with running water and paying our rent here in Frederick, we've had to budget our money a little better. It's a little difficult for us. I'm not saying we spend all we want on whatever we want all the time, that's DEFINITELY not the case. But a trip to McDonald's or picking up something for the boys while we're at WalMart, shopping for no reason, is something we've grown accustomed to. That will have to stop. :)
I've set a budget for myself for grocery shopping this week. Part of it has just become a game to see how cheaply I can get all of the things we'll need for two weeks. We have quite a bit of food in the freezer and cabinets, I just need a few things to prepare two weeks worth of meals. The trick will be to not give in one day and pick up fast food. I'm getting more and more tired as each week of my pregnancy arrives. Somedays it's all I can do to cook something from a box/can, but I am going to try really hard to work on that this coming pay period.
Even though money is tight, I have no problem seeing the blessings we have. Our bills are all paid, and on time, and there's never a time that the phone rings and I'm worried it's someone on the other end inquiring about a late payment. There's never a time I don't know if the kids will have food to eat. I sometimes wonder whether or not they will eat what I fix, but I always have food to prepare. The house is always warm, the water is always on. No one is coming to repossess the van. And most importantly, I have my boys...the two playing so nicely together and the one that is growing and growing in my ever expanding belly and we're all healthy.
I have some worries. The house is still for sale and we're approaching a time of the year when we've had issues with needing home repair due to weather concerns. It will be hard to do that from here. The van is acting funny and Adam has no idea what the problem is, but I know it doesn't sound cheap or easy. But we're grateful. We're blessed. We've been provided all that we need and lots of things we have asked for.
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