Saturday, May 23, 2009

My boys have gotten so big. When did all that happen? I mean, I could swear I just held their tiny little bodies just hours after they were born thinking "Oh my goodness, what now?" and now I'm planning my sweet little Adisson's kindergarten graduation party. Really? He's really six? He's really going to start the first grade in a few months? He is so amazing and independent. He thinks a thousand miles a minute and can talk just as fast. He's very passionate and constantly has a million ideas. He's a voracious reader and does so very well. He craves to learn more, to know more. He's such a blessing.

And my baby? 2 1/2 already? I thought I just found out he was coming, that I was going to have another son. Now he's a fireball of energy, everyday. He laughs, he's silly, he jumps from one place to another more than he walks. He's got a personality as big as he can imagine. He's tough, he's my little bull in a china shop. He's fearless and fearful. He's expressive and hilarious. He's a constant mockingbird. He's truly a delight and joy to be around.

I know they are still little, but sometimes they are too big. I know I want them to grow, to be strong, to be healthy, to be happy. But the time slips away so quickly, you don't even know it's gone.

It won't be like this for long.

"It won’t be like this for long
One day soon that little girl is gonna be
All grown up and gone
Yeah, this phase is gonna fly by
So, he's tryin’ to hold on

It won't be like this for long...."

Lyrics of "It Won't Be Like This for Long" by Darius Rucker

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